We operate in an era when data is available at our fingertips. There is data about customer behavior, purchases, inventory, assets and more. While this data represents the bigger picture for enterprises and can be utilized to make informed strategic decisions, it has also caused some tension between CIOs and CMOs. CIO.com recently published a great article, CEOs force CIOs, CMOs into digital transformation bunker, highlighting this very issue.
CEOs are placing a lot of pressure on CIOs and CMOs to deliver on digital transformations, which requires a collaborative effort between the IT and marketing departments. Big data is necessary to allow enterprises to not only understand what is working, but also to chart the course ahead. As the CIO.com article so nicely summarized, big data “requires the CIO’s technical proficiency to collect and analyze data from a variety of customer touch points, something a CMO is ill-equipped to do.” That means CIOs and CMOs must get along, collaborate and be willing to support one another.
What’s On the Horizon for Enterprises
Part of the demand for digital transformation has to do with the evolving marketplace. CEOs are witnessing the shift to digital business, so much so that they have reported by 2020 digital revenue will go up by over 80 percent (Source: Gartner.com). Customer experience has therefore been on the forefront of CEOs’ minds, as they place more responsibility on CMOs to reach the consumer at various touch points, not just at the acquisition level. This is where CIOs’ expertise comes into play, as they are able to give CMOs the tools they need to make it happen.
As enterprises continue to adapt to the digital age, software that equips them to collect and tie data together is becoming even more important. That is one reason why business intelligence tools have been in high demand, as they assist enterprises with online analytical processing, data mining, querying and reporting, with the ultimate objective to analyze raw data.
Softeligent Gives Visibility to Data
Softeligent is an intuitive and flexible software platform that can as the connecter between your critical data throughout the enterprise. Originally designed to manage telecom and IT assets and services, our robust SaaS solution has the capability to do even more. To find out how Softeligent can help you connect your data to help all departments within your enterprise—from marketing to IT to accounting—contact us today. We will provide you with a free analysis, as well as a demo of how Softeligent can help your organization in the digital age. Fill out our contact form for more information.