Softeligent is a Cloud-Based Platform to Manage your Telecommunications Expenses.
Gain efficiencies by utilizing a single solution to manage the entire lifecycle of telecom assets. Contact UsOur Telecom Expense Management Solutions
Manage all your IT & Telecom Suppliers, Orders, Contracts, Services, Invoices, Payments, Devices, Users, Cost Allocation with Softeligent’s ALL-IN-ONE Cloud-Based Platform enabling Automation Lifecycle Management for greater visibility, time and cost savings
Softeligent offers enterprise clients SaaS Information Technology Financial, Asset & Services Management platform (IT-FASM) integrating and coordinating a suite of targeted solution modules which provide start-to-finish life-cycle automated process management and support holistic cost allocation/chargeback for the entire IT and telecom service catalog, thereby facilitating analysis of the financial and operational data that simplifies IT financial management and budget planning, as well as inducing checks and balances that translate to optimal service and cost savings opportunities.
Financial & Lifecycle Management of All IT Assets and Services
Softeligent offers comprehensive solutions specific to the financial and lifecycle management of all information technology assets and services, including, but not limited to:
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Softeligent will help you not only know what you own, but will also help you determine what you are paying for and how to better manage it.

Benefits of IT Financial, Asset, and Service Management
Induce governance and best practices for audit compliance, backed by total accountability and visibility of all services and assets. Softeligent cooperates with ERP and other enterprise systems to bridge gaps in the lifecycle management process, inserting the granular data and analytics often missing from those systems.
Here are some of the benefits of being in control:
Reduce your risk by utilizing a single solution that can manage the entire IT lifecycle—from contracts to work orders to expenses to inventory management.
Everything You Need in an Enterprise Solution, Built Right In
Your IT director or CIO may know how equipment is connected and running, but what happens if that person leaves your organization? Softeligent can help you better organize and manage your information technology. Softeligent allows you to keep track, audit and optimize your IT expenses, as well as your software licenses and physical inventory. Basically, our software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution has everything you need built right in.
Whether you are trying to determine if your networks are running in a cost efficient manner or you want to automate lifecycle management processes, Softeligent is your answer. Our hosted SaaS solution was developed by consultants who know how to audit, optimize and manage IT and telecom expenses—including desktop, telecommunication systems, machine-to-machine connections, networks and more.
Softeligent provides the following functionality.
Contract Management
Link information technology assets with the appropriate contracts.
Invoice Processing
Improve your invoice processing by automatically uploading new invoices, making it easy to review, categorize and pay.
Inventory Management
Keep track of your IT assets and services and create a process for on-boarding IT hardware.
Billing Dispute Management
Automatically reconcile and flag discrepancies found in invoices related to IT.
IT Services Management
Accurately allocate costs internally for work orders and efficiently manage tickets.
IT Services Cost Center Allocation
Utilize a predefined price structure for IT services and a built-in IT ticket system.